God360 Stories

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Encouraging already

This book has been sitting on my shelf for years and I finally got around to opening it. Today I wrote a facebook message (had to search the person) as part of the "input" devo. This is part of the reply I got:
"God is so good to me. Your message came at a time when I have been asking the Lord "what is next?". Where do I serve; what do I have to offer. You lifted me right out of a pity party and moved me to say thank you Lord and thank you for using Meg to encourage me."
So while I'm on the imput lesson, here is my thanks to you, Andy Flannagan: for writing this book, challenging me to do these things, and also for a song on you Son album about God being like a Grandparent. That song really challenged me to deepen my relationship with God.

Posted by Meg, 5 January 2011


My experience so far, and I do mean so far, it's taking me a while to read and then do things from this book, but I really felt that when I did prompt myself to get on and send out my encouragements to people, one of them arrived at just the right time. Praise God.

Posted by Emma, 21 September 2010

God 360 degrees

I am reading the book at the moment and am trying to
do all the actions, however things like lending your car are a bit of a challenge, as I'm only 10.

Posted by Bethany, 15 August 2009