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Andy Flannagan

Andy Flannagan is British Youth For Christ�s national songwriter/performer and worship leader. He does exactly what it says on the tin, except he also trains and resources people all over the UK to do the same.

Andy has a God-given passion to communicate, and that led him to leave his job as a hospital doctor in Northern Ireland to run YFC�s itinerant band, TVB for 3 years. Since then he has been regularly performing, speaking and leading worship at events like Spring Harvest, Summer Madness, Greenbelt and New Wine, pioneering a creative and experiential approach to connecting with God. His songs have been used on BBC TV and radio and he even admits to a performance on the Big Breakfast. The last few years have seen, in Andy�s words �God taking me beyond my guitar� to the forefront of developing and implementing innovative worship and devotional ideas.

2004 saw the release of his critically acclaimed album �SON� � (�A creative triumph from the versatile Mr Flannagan.� Tony Cummings, Cross Rhythms Magazine), followed by the book �Distinctive Worship: How a new generation connects with God�. Author Nick Page described it thus, �� a breath of fresh air. Challenging, stimulating, provocative and packed with great ideas, this is a book that calls us to reshape our worship; to tread new paths and try new approaches to help people of all ages truly connect with God."

His attitude that we are called to �write next year�s headlines by what we do today� sums up the desire in him to see Christians shape a culture rather than simply create their own. Throw in a passion for global justice, voiced through his work with Tearfund, songs with a political edge that have bent the ears of MPs, and a large dollop of playing cricket, and you have a pretty good taste of Andy�s life.

